[UPDATE] – It has been reported that Ms. Gillman won. The court went on to decide that:
“…the school board and Principal David Davis [are] to notify students in writing that they had the right to express their support for equal treatment of gays in an appropriate and non-disruptive way.
However, the principal, David Davis has apparently not gotten the message:
“Principal Davis would not go on camera. He did say he’s disappointed in the judges’ decision, but he will abide by that ruling.”
[UPDATE] – A thanks to the readers for pointing out that the information within this article was wrong. At the time of the writing (February of 2008), the sources of information about this story had indicated that Heather Gillman was a gay student. This is not the case. As it turns out, Ms. Gillman, who is involved in the ACLU case was not, in fact, homosexual, but a supporter of gay rights in her school.
In addition, I would like everyone to know that no harm was ever meant towards the school, the students within this post, or to the community surrounding Ponce de Leon high school. It is horrible to think that a school (students, faculty, parents, administrators, etc.) would possibly stand behind a principal who so terribly handled a delicate situation with such intolerance and stupidity. Yet, the school still proudly lists Mr. Davis as their principal on their website.
It should also be noted that those (proclaiming their closeness to the school) who have the ability to actually do something about the problem, have taken the time to attack the writer of an article who was simply trying to bring the story to the attention of the major news outlets.
Perhaps you should consider using the time to change the school in your community and the administrator responsible.
It has been reported recently in a number of places around the internet, that there has recently been a scandal at Ponce de Leon High School located just south of Alabama in between Pensacola and Tallahassee in Florida:
The scandal involves a lawsuit that the ACLU has filed against the school primarily for the actions of the principal: David Davis. (davisd@hdsb.org)
While other sites and news outlets have thoroughly covered the actual scandal, there are a few things that they have missed in the process. However, just to get you up to speed, I’ll give you a brief rundown.
First of all, here’s a picture of the person at the front of the case, Heather Gillman, standing out in front of her school:

She was suspended for 5 days from her high school. Her crimes? Being openly supportive of gay rights and reporting troubles associated with it to a school administrator started the ball rolling. Then, when Davis called for a “morality assembly,” (where a religious preacher was apparently invited) Heather Gillman, along with some other students, spoke of possibly walking out of the assembly in protest. However, they did not, and instead started to wear pro-gay symbols such as the rainbow. The principal eventually decided that her and her friends were distracting other students and acting in a way that might be construed as being a part of a secret society or gang and decided that suspension was the best decision.
I swear, you can’t make this stuff up.
As if this story wasn’t bad enough… according to Florida Department of Education, Division of Public Schools’ Bureau of School Improvements (man that’s a long-winded title for an organization) School Improvement Plan for Ponce de Leon:
“Mr. David Davis is the principal at Ponce de Leon High School. This is his first full year as principal. He has a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership, K-12. Mr. Todd Jones is our assistant principal. This is his first full year as our assistant principal. He, also, has a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership.”
So, we’ve got two principals both in their first full year of being a principal. But wait, according to them, they are:
“…outstanding leaders of our school…supportive of teachers’ needs, and they listen to teachers’ and students’ concerns.”
Unless, of course, you’re gay. That’s right. When students approached David Davis to complain about harassment received from students and faculty, he was quoted as saying:
“Well, you shouldn’t be gay.”
Way to listen to the concerns of your students.
Alright, I’m willing to play devil’s advocate. Maybe it isn’t their fault. Maybe the school has something to do with it and we can’t blame these first-year administrators. Let’s take a look at the school website to see if maybe we can figure out where these guys are coming from.
Let’s see here, well, we know the school doesn’t hate women. Because they are very careful to make sure that their most recent “Young Miss Ponce de Leon” is posted in their photos section. Maybe the mascot is a truck driver or a conservative leader or something. Oh wait… nope:

Alright then I guess it isn’t the normal views of the school to be against women, and they don’t have a mascot breathing outdated ideals down their neck. Well, it must be in the goals of the school to promote such ignorance and hatred. Let’s take a look at their map to success on their beliefs page:

“The staff at Ponce de Leon High School believes:”
“Students should successfully compete at the highest levels and should be prepared to make well-reasoned and thoughtful decisions.”
Yes, Mr. Davis: telling someone they shouldn’t be who they are is definitely setting them up to make well-reasoned and thoughtful decisions.
“The learning environment should be conducive to teaching and learning.”
But if you are gay, and your learning environment is being distracted from, you should definitely not report it to an administrator. You should just stop being gay.
“The environment should protect health, safety, and civil rights…The development of the “whole child” should be evident in the activities and instruction provided.”
I guess since the principal doesn’t technically provide instruction, he is exempt from this. Oh, and inviting religious leaders to come speak at school assemblies is definitely how I would see my children becoming a “whole child.”
“[they] visualize literate students who are seekers of meaning and knowledge and are using this knowledge to satisfy their curiosity about life’s complexities as they explore.”
But homosexuality is a bit too complex. Let’s just keep it to penis and vagina okay?
“As these students progress through the educational process, they will recognize their responsibility for changing conditions detrimental to human development, opportunity, and community. They will promote equity, tolerance, understanding, and acceptance of all people.”
Yes, and they will be taught that changing their own human condition, to fit the development, opportunity and community of Ponce de Leon can only be done through fear and ignorance.
But perhaps, the very best gem from this facility of hypocrisy comes from their self-professed mission statement. As a former educator, I know the importance that mission statement holds in a school. An educational mission statement is there to be the ultimate statement by which the faculty, and staff can look to for guidance in helping the young minds that they are responsible for.
Before I leave you with the final gem, I would like to offer some advice to those out there who are as outraged as I am about this. Recently a post hit the front page of the popular news site reddit which linked to the faculty website stating “Here are the email addresses for the staff at the school where the girl was suspended for being a lesbian. The principal is David Davis. Tell him to resign and to publicly apologize.”
Contacting the school to complain about the school is like sending an email to Dick Cheney to complain about how Bush has handled the war in Iraq. If you really want to make a difference, here are a couple more useful links:
- Florida Department of Education contact page
- A quick Google search to find some news channels in Florida
- A page containing links to many news organizations in Florida
Now, finally, I leave you with the mission statement for Ponce de Leon High School. I guess principals there have to read that in their 2nd full year of employment:
“With a philosophy grounded in the firm belief that each student is a unique person of intrinsic worth, the Ponce de Leon High School staff has a clear mission: to support an educational program which accommodates individuality rather than uniformity.
Building upon this basic belief that our students are individuals of diversified interests, aptitudes, talents and goals, we seek to offer a program which accepts each student for who he is, and offers him a diversified program of educational equity and reality-based relevance to the world beyond the classroom.
Our mission requires that our teachers gain a greater knowledge of the student as an individual and use that knowledge to assist the student in developing the potential which is inherent in each.
As educators, we pledge that this mission will be an ongoing one as we seek to make a positive difference in the lives of the sons and daughters of Ponce de Leon High School and to work hard to make the vision statement a reality.”
Like I said, you can’t make this stuff up.