recently posted a story linking to the court docket where there was a denial of a motion to make the divorce papers of Governor Palin’s husbands business partner confidential. This was after the National Enquirer broke the story that Governor Palin was hiding an affair with one of her husband’s business partner. Unfortunately, the servers went down soon after that (reddit/digg effect). However, got a hold of of the information. Here you go folks. This is a mirror of what was at today:
Here’s the full text from the page:
Dockets include limited information about filings and hearings that occurred before CourtView was installed in the court.
A maximum of 100 dockets will display at one time. Select the “descending” sort option to view the last 100 dockets entered. Select the “ascending” sort option to view the first 100 dockets entered. To see more dockets, adjust the date range of your search.
Docket Search
3PA-07-01581CI In the Matter of: Richter, Scott Alan and Richter, Deborah Marie
Search Criteria
Docket Desc.
Begin Date Sort
End Date Ascending
Search Results 21 Docket(s) found matching search criteria.
Docket Date Docket Text Amount Amount Due Images
09/04/2008 Order Denying Motion Case Motion #3: Motion to Make Case File Confidential 0.00 0.00
09/03/2008 Motion to Make Case File Confidential Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Scott Alan Richter (Petitioner); Case Motion #3 0.00 0.00
09/03/2008 Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Motion to Make Case File Confidential Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Case Motion #2 0.00 0.00
05/19/2008 Notice to Employer Re: Children’s Medical Insurance Deborah Marie Richter (Co-Petitioner); 0.00 0.00
05/19/2008 Cust/Spprt/Visit Modified. Case Closed. (no motion link) 0.00 0.00
05/19/2008 Order Granting Stipulation Case Motion #1: Standard Motion 0.00 0.00
04/03/2008 Stipulated Agreement for Child Support and Parenting Agreement Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Case Motion #1 0.00 0.00
04/03/2008 Case Reopened 0.00 0.00
09/18/2007 Child Support Order 0.00 0.00
09/18/2007 Decree of Dissolution Granted 0.00 0.00
09/18/2007 Shared Custody Child Support Calculation 0.00 0.00
09/18/2007 Amendment of Agreement 0.00 0.00
09/18/2007 Hearing Result: Hearing Held The following event: Dissolution Hearing w/Children scheduled for 09/18/2007 at 3:20 pm has been resulted as follows: Result: Hearing Held Judge: Zwink, David L Location: Palmer Courthouse 0.00 0.00
08/14/2007 Civil Deficiency Memo mailed re: agreement re retirement benefits and last quarterly statements of same; specifics of shared custody agreement. 0.00 0.00
08/14/2007 Hearing Set Event: Dissolution Hearing w/Children Date: 09/18/2007 Time: 3:20 pm Judge: Zwink, David L Location: Palmer Courthouse Result: Hearing Held 0.00 0.00
08/02/2007 Affidavit/Scheduling of Hearing Scott Alan Richter (Petitioner); 0.00 0.00
07/24/2007 Certificate of Completion of Viewing “Listen to the Children” Video Scott Alan Richter (Petitioner); Deborah Marie Richter (Co-Petitioner); 0.00 0.00
07/24/2007 Information Sheet 0.00 0.00
07/24/2007 VS401 Certificate of Absolute Divorce or Dissolution 0.00 0.00
07/24/2007 Proposed Child Support Order Submitted Prior to Hearing 0.00 0.00
07/24/2007 Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (With Children) Receipt: 268635 Date: 07/24/2007 150.00 0.00
I wrote a bit about the new nomination for the Vice Presidential pick right after the news broke. You can check out my other article here:
According to the CBS news blog, the McCain campaign had this to say:
““The smearing of the Palin family must end. The allegations contained on the cover of the National Enquirer insinuating that Gov. Palin had an extramarital affair are categorically false. It is a vicious lie,” said McCain senior adviser Steve Schmidt.
“The efforts of the media and tabloids to destroy this fine and accomplished public servant are a disgrace. The American people will reject it.””
The National Enquirer has been right when breaking news of affairs before. Let’s see how this one pans out.
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